

Asseged Dibaba,DVM, MSc

Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae






Addis Ababa University



Veterinary Medicine

Freie Ãœ²Ô¾±±¹±ð°ù²õ¾±³Ùä³Ù Berlin




Computational Epidemiologic study of multiple interrelated factors (psychosocial, race, genetic, behavioral, nutritional, etc...) associated with chronic diseases (HIV/AIDS, CVD, Type II diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc...), with the aim of developing models that simulate natural processes; Risk Analysis (targeting infectious hazards associated with importation of agricultural products); Microbial risk assessment, including emergence of drug resistance; Transboundary animal diseases (TADs); Bovine Tuberculos

MSPH 0614 Principles of Epidemiology and Applications

MBIO 0669 Risk Analysis and Modelling

MBIO 0661 Advanced Epidemiology;

Asseged B., TameruB., Habtemariam T. (2014). Status and Control of Bovine Tuberculosis in Ethiopia. In: Thoen, Steel and Kaneene (eds). Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovisand Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria. 3rded, Wiley-Blackwell. 109-132.

Nganwa D. & Asseged B. (2014). Distribution, Public Health Significance, and Control Status of Bovine Tuberculosis Caused by Mycobacterium bovisin Uganda. In: Thoen, Steel & Kaneene (eds). Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovisand Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria. 3rded. Wiley-Blackwell. 133-149.

Berhanu Tameru, David Nganwa, Asseged Bogale, Vinaida Robnett and Tsegaye Habtemariam (2014). The Role of Computational Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in the Fight against HIV/AIDS. Epidemiology I-Theory, Research and Practice". ISBN 978-1-922227-331

Rupak Chowdhury, Nganwa David, Asseged Bogale, Shami Nandy, T. Habtemariam, Berhanu Tameru. Assessing the Key Attributes of Low Utilization of Mammography Screening and Breast-self Exam among African-American Women. Journal of Cancer. 2016; 7(5):532-537.

Yilkal Asfaw Woubea, Asseged Bogale Dibaba, Berhanu Tameru, Richard Fite, David Nganwa, Vinaida Robnett, Amsalu Demisse, Tsegaye Habtemariam (2015). Quantitative risk assessment of entry of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia through live cattle imported from northwestern Ethiopia. Prev. Vet. Med.. 122:61-69.

Berhanu Tameru, Gemechu Gerbi, David Nganwa, Asseged Bogale, Vinaida Robnett, Tsegye Habtemariam (2014). The Association between Interrelationships and Linkages of Knowledge about HIV/AIDS and its Related Risky Behaviors in People Living with HIV/AIDS. J. AIDS Clin. Res. Vol. 3(7):1–7.

Berhanu Tameru, David Nganwa, Asseged Bogale, Vinaida Robnett, and Tsegaye Habtemariam (2013). The Role of Computational Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in the Fight against HIV/AIDS. J AIDS Clin. Res. 3(6): doi:10.4172/2155-6113.1000e107.

Asseged B.D., Habtemariam T., Tameru B., Nganwa D. (2012). The risk of introduction of Equine infectious anemia (EIA) virus into USA via cloned horse embryos imported from Canada. Theriogenology.77:445–458.

Asseged B., Habtemariam T., Tameru B., Nganwa D. & Fite R. (2012). A quantitative assessment of the risk of introduction of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Virus into USA via cloned bovine embryos. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. int. Epiz. 31(3):761-775.

Biffa, D., Asseged Bogale, Godfroid, J., Skjerve, E.Factors associated with severity of bovine tuberculosis in Ethiopian cattle. Trop. Anim. Hlth Prod.2012.44(5):991-998.

Adane B., Guyo K., Tekle Y., Taddele H., Asseged B., Biffa D. (2012). Study on Prevalence and Risk Factors of Bovine Mastitis in Borana Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Settings of YabelloDistrict, Borana Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Amer.-Eur. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 12:1274-1281.

Abdalla E, HabteMariam T, Nganwa D, Dibaba AB, Gerbi G, Vinaida R, Tameru B. Epidemiology of influenza A 2009 H1N1 virus pandemic in the U.S. J Health Care Poor Underserved.2011. 22(4)(Suppl):39-60.

Berhanu Tameru, Tsegaye Habtemariam, David Nganwa, Gemechu Gerbi, Asseged Bogale, Vinaida Robnett, Wanda Wilson. Assessing HIV/AIDS intervention strategies using an integrative macro-micro level computational epidemiologic modeling approach. Ethn. Dis. 2010. 20(1)(Suppl 1):S1–207-10.

David Nganwa, Tsegaye Habtemariam, Berhanu Tameru, Gemechu Gerbi, Asseged Bogale, Vinaida Robnett, Wanda Wilson. Applying the epidemiologic problem oriented approach (EPOA) methodology in developing a knowledge base for the modeling of HIV/AIDS. Ethn. Dis. 2010;20(1 Suppl 1)S1:173-7.

Demelash B., Asseged B., Skjerve E. (2010). Diagnostic efficiency of abattoir meat inspection service in Ethiopia to detect carcasses infected with Mycobacterium bovis: Implications for public health. BMC Pub. Hlth., 10:462 (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/462).

Demelash B., Skjerve E., Oloya J., Asseged B., Abebe F., Dahle U., Bohlin J. Djønne B. Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium bovis isolates from Ethiopian cattle. BMC Vet. Res.2010. 6:28. (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1746-6148/6/28).