

Student and Alumni Profiles

Twanda Collins: (MPH Graduation Year '26 )

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: Graduate Student

Quavon Beckford: (MPH Graduation Year '26 )

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: Graduate Student

Kennede Perry: (MPH Graduation Year '26 )

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: Graduate Student

Cantone Hilani: (MPH Graduation Year '26 )

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: Graduate Student

Chiquita Lee: (MPH Graduation Year )

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: Graduate Student

Johnpaul Kagulire: (MPH Graduation Year '25)

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: MPH/PhD, Integrated Biosciences Graduate Student

Carlyn Track: (MPH Graduation Year '25)

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: MPH Graduate Student

Lindsay Corbin: (MPH Graduation Year '25)

Major Professor: Research Interest: Epidemiology and Data Systems

Current work status: MPH Graduate Student

Alexis Smith

Savannah C. Williams: (MPH Graduation Year '25)

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: MPH Graduate Student

Alexis Smith

Alexis Smith: (MPH Graduation Year '25)

Major Professor: Research Interest:One Health/ Zoonotic Disease

Current work status: MPH Graduate Student

Alexis Smith

Treasure Valle: (MPH Graduation Year '25)

Major Professor: Research Interest: MCT at EAMC Hospital

Current work status: MPH Graduate Student

Lauren Gibson

Lauren Gibson: (MPH Graduation Year '24)

Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd Webb Research Interest: Zoonotic diseases focusing on Rabies

Current work status: Graduate student and veterinary assistant at a local animal hospital.


Shandrell Miller: (MPH Graduation Year '24)

Major Professor:Dr. Ehsan Abdalla Research Interest: Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical Cancer, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and HPV Vaccines among Women Living in Alabama’s Macon, Bullock, Lowndes, and Barbour Counties to Reduce Health Disparities

Current work status: Graduate Student

Shelby Campbell

Sanchez Rolle: (MPH Graduation Year '24)

Major Professor: Research Interest:

Current work status: Ph.D. Student Integrative Biosciences at Vlogƽ

Avia Sutton

Avia Sutton: (MPH Graduation Year '22)

Major Professor: Dr. Ehsan Abdalla Research Interest: The Effects of Covid-19 Vaccination on Menstruation: Are women with underlying reproductive health conditions, particularly black women at a higher risk for vaccine-related menstruation complications?

Current work status: I am the Advocacy Intern at Sepsis Alliance.

AshuntiAshunti Johnson: (MPH Graduation Year '22)


Current work status: Research Intern for the USDA-FSIS

Ty'Quieria Lodge: (MPH Graduation Year Pending)

Major Professor: Dr. Melvena Wilson Research interest: How are patients with Alzheimer's and Dementia affected by Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Current work status: Graduate Student and I'm also an intern at the RSA Tower in the HIV Prevention and Care Department.

AmiraAmira Brooks: (MPH Graduation Year Pending)

Major Professor: Dr. Ehsan Abdalla Research interest: Why are Companion Animals good for people who suffer from Mental Health Problems?

Current work status: Graduate Student

Atiya Shahid: (MPH Graduation Year ' 23)

Major Professor: Dr. Ehsan AbdallaResearch interest: The Relation of Age on HIV-Positive women’s Cluster of Differentiation 4, Antiretroviral Therapy, Papanicolaou test, Human Papillomavirus test and Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid.

Current work status: Ph.D. student in the Interdisciplinary Pathobiology program at Tuskegee Universit

JakeiiaJakeiia Bedgood: (MPH Graduation Year ' 23)

Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd Webb Research interest: Repurposing of Acetaminophen Against Toxoplasma gondii Infection

Current work status: Communicable Disease Specialist II - Department of Public Health

RavenRaven McClellan: (MPH Graduation Year Pending)

Major Professor: Dr. Melvena Wilson Research interest: The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health Perceptions of African Americans

Current work status: Graduate Student

RavenRonald Peaster: (MPH Graduation Year ' 21)

Major Professor: Atty. Crystal James Research interest: Disparities and Demographics Between Blacks and Whites with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the U.S

Current work status: Ph.D. in Biological Science at Vlogƽ and expecting to graduate in the summer of 2023.

DavisDavis Ali -Ashanti: (MPH Graduation Year ' 20)

Thesis Topic: Consumption of Meals Served at Tuskegee Institute Middle School.

Current work status: Consultant at National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, Lithonia, Georgia, United States

Veale DenzelVeale Denzel: (MPH Graduation Year ' 20)

Thesis Topic: Fitness Technology and its Behavioral Effects on Physical Activity in African American Students at a Historically Black University.

Current work status: During this pandemic, he has created a way to promote access to fresh fruits and vegetables through a mobile phone app and curbside pickup system.The "Access: Farm to Table" App is a resource and tool that promotes availability and accessibility to fresh fruits, vegetables, and products from local farmers and food distributors to communities with limited food access and public health promotion. Read More

kellonKellon Banks: (MPH Graduation Year ' 20)

Thesis Topic: Knowledge and Awareness About Cervical Cancer and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Among Women Living in Macon County, Alabama.

Current work status: Health Education Coordinator at Vlogƽ

OyoyoOyoyo Egiebor-Aiwan, MD: (MPH Graduation Year ' 19)

Thesis Topic: A Systemic Review: Evaluating the Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Failed Septic Systems in Alabama Blackbelt Counties.

Current work status: Psychiatry Resident Doctor at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

SaminaSamina Akhter, MSc, CP Associate Degree: (MPH Graduation Year '19)

Research interest: Framing an Environmental Risk Analysis Pathway For Cancer Health Disparities in Black Belt Counties of Alabama.

Current work status: Assistant Director of Analytics and Career Placement at the Department of Graduate Public Health, Vlogƽ

MyloMylo Howard: (MPH Graduation Year '19)

Research interest: Public Health Ethics M.P.H Fellow

Current work status: UCLA Health FPG-FCU Senior Analyst, Los Angeles Metropolitan Area

Dr. Candy Candy De La Cruz, MD: (MPH Graduation Year '18)

Research interest: The Effect of State Laws on Breastfeeding Practices and Rates.

Current work status:

Dr. NathaliaNathalia Beras Rarmirez, MD: (MPH Graduation Year '18)

Research interest: Policy Analysis and Community Empowerment How can the Ashurst Bar/Smith community participate in modifying or renewing the Stone’s Throw Landfill permit?

Current work status: Physician in the Dominic Republic and Volunteer with NGOs

AlvaAlva Walston: (MPH Graduation Year '17)

Research interest:

Current work status:

RenaRena Blakely: (MPH Graduation Year '17)

Research interest:

Current work status:

Alicia RobertsAlicia Roberts: (MPH Graduation Year '17)

Research interest: Community Outreach/Community Epidemiology

Current work status: Public Health Advisor (Intern), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Leondira HindsLeondria Hinds: (MPH Graduation Year '17)

Research interest:

Current work status: In the medical program at Auburn University

DestineeDestinee Grant, MSc: (MPH Graduation Year '17)

Research interest: Surveillance and crisis response: Action Plan toEmphasize the Importance of Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting to Public HealthinDelray Beach, Florida:Palm BeachCounty through Partnership & Planning

Current work status: Biological Scientist IV & Hepatitis Coordinator at Florida Department of Health, STD/Viral Hepatitis Program in Riviera Beach, FL

Davie Armstrong Rickenbacker Davie Armstrong Rickenbacker: (MPH Graduation Year '16)

Research interest: Epidemiology

Current work status: Program Analyst for NCEZID, CDC (Contractor)

jessicaJessica M Pettway: (MPH Graduation Year '16)

Research interest: Implemented nutrition and physical activity education curriculum as part of ongoing research on integrative approaches for prevention and reduction of overweight and childhood obesity in the Alabama Black Belt by leading and teaching obesity prevention and nutrition lesson plans to approximately 70 adolescents (8 - 15 years) (50% of the time).

Current work status:Public Health Program Coordinator with the National Indian Health Board

Blair MajorBlair Major: (MPH Graduation Year '16)

Research interest: Epidemiology

Current work status: Site Manager Crews & Co Logistics Amazon Delivery Service Partner

Folashade Adalumo: (MPH Graduation Year '16)

Research interest: Health disparity, breastfeeding education, and maternal health

Current work status: Ph.D. Student at the Department of Integrative Public Policy and Development

Lecarde WebbLecarde Webb: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Thesis Topic: A Healthcare Clinical Topology ModelDeveloped Through Effective Public Health Engagement

Current work status:Planning and Evaluation Manager at Vlogƽ

  • 3rd Year Ph.D. candidate in the Integrative Biosciences Program (Research area for Ph.D. in Cancer Health Disparities Research with a focus on Community Engagement)
  • Department of Biology and Center for Cancer Research Public Health Consultant at Healthy Kinder In.

Keon blackedgeKeon Blackledge: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest:

Current work status: Lean Sensei, Performance Excellence at Mercy Medical Center, Hartford, Connecticut, United States.

Racgael GoughRachael Browne: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest: Women's Health

Current work status: State Plant Health Director- United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection Quarantine, Field Operations. (USDA APHIS PPQ FO)


Amber (Hailey) Baker: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest: Epidemiology (Women's Health)

Current work status: Infant & toddler sleep specialist, at Little Winks Sleep


Heather Murphy: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest: Epidemiology

Current work status:Research Scientist I: Healthcare System Capacity Analyst, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

  • I am a doctoral student and public health professional in the Doctor of Education Program in Health Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

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Marian Hutchinson: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest: Epidemiology

Current work status: Program innovator and Community Facilitator-Community Health Educator-Columbia, South Carolina, United States

Mulugeta Gebredhim: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest:

Current work status:

Artina Allen: (MPH Graduation Year '15)

Research interest:

Current work status

Brittney Odom Brittney Odom: (MSPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: Suggested Research in Examining the Correlation Among African American Obese Adolescent (ages 12-19) Public Housing Residents In The Macon County Area Based Upon Contributing.

Current work status: Public Health Advisor, CDC

Brittni AllenBrittni Steele: (MSPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: Implications of ACE Scores and Early Childhood Education

Current work status: Founder/CEO of Beetle B, Inc. a Family Health NGO

De'Naya Goudeau-MitchellDe'Naya Goudeau-Mitchell: (MSPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: Workplace Health and Wellness Incentive Programs through CDC Fellowship

Current work status: (I am a Master of Science in Medical Health Sciences graduate student at Touro University California)

Beatrice King

Beatrice Denise King: (MPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: Public Health Education, Developed Health Education Curriculum for K-12

Current work status: Georgia Department of Public Health-Health Educator 3, Opioid Analyst
Location: Fulton County Board of Health Atlanta, GA


DeJuana Grant: (MPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: A Review of Breast Cancer in African American and Caucasian Women in the United States of America

Current work status: Epidemiologist with the Alabama Department of Public Health

De'Naya Goudeau: (MPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest:

Current work status: Program Director, Dana's Family House

Elizebath Foster

Elizabeth Foster: (MPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest:

Current work status: Veterinary Technician, California Vet Hospital

Maegan Ford

Maegan Ford: (MPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: Director within Area 8 Counties on basic public health principles, practices, and concepts.
Conducted interviews & utilized risk assessment in outbreak investigation with the Tuberculosis Team.

Current work status: Suicide Prevention Coordinator at the Alabama Department of Mental Health

Deratu Yishak: (MSPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest:

Current work status: Majoring in Nursing (Accelerated), Augustana University, From Sioux Falls, SD


Lagorrgera Maxwell: (MSPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest:

Current work status: Law Enforcement Officer, Vlogƽ Police Department

Joshlynn Edwards: (MSPH Graduation Year '14)

Research interest: Women's Health

Current work status: Health Equity Program Coordinator Fulton County Board of Health

Charli Williams: (MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Research interest: Public Health Surveillance

Current work status: Regional Liaison Data Manager, Commonwealth of Virginia

Christina Tresvant

Christina Tresvant: (MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Thesis Topic: Attitudes of African Americans towards Brands of Condoms. The overall goal of the research project was to reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections by increasing condom use in African American males.

Current work status: Clinical Data Specialist at Biosense Webster Inc. (Johnson & Johnson), Irwin Dale, California, United States


Seanna Jimmeh: (MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Thesis Topic:

Current work status: Educator teacher of Chemistry and Physics at Teach For America, Legal Shield Manager, Lady of DST, TFA Alumna, Atlanta Metropolitan Area

Montalee Chavious: (MSPH Graduation Year '13), MPS (Master of Pharmaceutical Science,'18 University of Cincinnati)

Thesis Topic: Public Health Fellowship, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Conducted independent research and compiled data on residents of Tuskegee, Alabama, Assisted the Community Healing Network with the initial implementation of the Emotional Emancipation Circle, Responsible for researching, planning, implementing, and evaluating educational training for community revitalization.

Current work status: R&D Cosmetic Chemist at DyStar, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Nakia McCallum: (MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Thesis Topic: Epidemiology

Current work status: Industrial Hygienist, US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OSHA, Jacksonville, Florida, United States

Blank imageConstanza Aranda-Garcia, PT, DPT (EC) : (MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Thesis Topic: Association of Selected Health Deficits and Methylmercury Contamination in Residents of Alabama

Current work status: Delegate to the APTA House of Delegates. Dr. Constanza “Connie” Aranda Garcia, PT, DPT graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2018 and began her career in physical therapy at Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford, FL as an acute care/inpatient rehabilitation therapist. She serves as Chair of the FPTA Early Professional Special Interest Group (EPSIG) and Membership Tier Leader. Constanza is a member of the APTA Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy.

Blannk imageBertukan Bekele:( MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Thesis Topic: Bacteria Isolated from Restaurants, Fast Food Restaurants and the Environments and Further Characterization of Isolated Staphylococcus Species in Tuskegee, Alabama.

Current work status:

Laura Whitaker:( MSPH Graduation Year '13)

Research interest:

Current work status: